My first post of 2014, after such a long hiatus.
Dinner at Sumire Yakitori House @ Bugis Junction turned out to be an awesome dinner.Seriously, I was not expecting anything and definitely did not know such a place existed. Omg... It is a hidden gem. A cozy, inviting place, very crowded and rowdy once you stepped into the small restaurant. Very very very yummy good food and good service!!!
Initially, Gz and I wanted to try Saveur @ Purvis Street but the wait was darn long (30-45min) although it was 8.30pm. Then we decided to walk down Purvis Street to pass time and somehow we continued to walk walk walk and ended up at Bugis Junction. As we were still full from hi-tea but hungry as it was officially time for dinner. Gz suddenly got craving for yakitori (darn OUT OF THE BLUE, cos he usually do not have any kind of craving) and he wanted to try Sumire Yakitori House. Definitely no regrets!!! Good food, good service and affordable pricing!!! We will be back for more.

Major love for the yakitori!!! The japanese waiter strongly recommended their juicy chicken shoulder skewers and I was sold. The hotate (big fat yummy scallop at an afordable $2.90 each) is darn good. And I simply love the Bakudan Korokke (potato croquette with poached egg in the middle)! Very unique dish and very tasty!!! The meatball is darn yummy too! The food portion is kinda small but I am not complaining. It's really finger-licking good! (Paisei... Did not take many pic, as I was paisei to whip out my hp. My hp was gonna be low-batt. My hp memory was not enough. Too many pictures in my hp. And I was afraid that the Japanese uncle might find me rude to take pictures at the dining table. Hehehehehehe~)

All in all, it was an amazingly SUPERB dining experience. We can just place our order on the iPad, which is so convenient and fuss-free. We can also catch the chefs grilling the yakitori in full view. (AND I was wondering why it was not smokey at all.) There are Japanese waiters serving us. Very attentive, friendly and service-oriented!!! Thumbs up!!!
Not only that, I noticed that there were Japanese diners. This Japanese uncle was dining alone, just next to us and enjoying his dinner. Even before eating while waiting for our seats, I also noticed that many Japanese patrons bought bottles of sake and left them in the shop to consume at a later date. Apparently, there is some sake bottle promo at 50% off, which seems to be a rather good deal. Somehow, I got a feeling that the food is gonna be oishii おいしい. Cos if there are Japanese patrons, it probably mean that the food is of a certain standard. And I was right!
Even the family of four next to our table was enjoying their dinner. The father even told the Japanese waiter that the food is really delicious and they really enjoy it alot. He even requested to warm his cup of sake, which the helpful and polite Japanese waiter readily helped.
The Japanese waiter did ask for our feedback. We wrote the comments mostly in English and gave very high rating, as we truly enjoyed our dinner. We even wrote oishii おいしい in japanese characters. The japanese waiter read our feedback immediately and even said woah... we know how to write in Japanese characters and kept thanking us. The power of Google. Although I did take basic Japanese before, I was darn lousy and had forgotten all. Gz took classses for the Japanese language till Level 2 or 3.
Can't wait to go back to try their extensive menu, cos Gz and I was way too full from the hi-tea earlier on.
Anyway, I also went to google for reviews on Sumire Yakitori House after my dinner. And I was pleasantly surprised to find out that Sumire Yakitori House is not a franchise, but direct management from Japan (that explains the numerous Japanese waiters there. Darn good service!!!) And the chefs are trained in the kitchens of the Sumire restaurant in Japan (that explains the yummy good food.) And the part I was wondering why it was not smokey at all (Cos they used electric grill.)