blank'/> I'm lovin' it!: The best decision in my life

Saturday, September 20, 2014

The best decision in my life

You do not understand me at all. Not even a single bit.

My tears do not show that I am a . I am faced with my own fears, insecurities and shortcomings. At a crossroads. Because I really do not know where to go next or what to do.

I admit that I am very slow in gathering my inner strength and wisdom to guide myself through, trying to pick up myself and moving forward in life. I need to be strong enough first before I have the courage to move forward. Because I can only rely on myself during difficult times.

Stop FUCKINGLY say that I was better/happier when I was in the fragrance company and that I should not leave. Of course, that was my comfort zone. Safety net. Don't you know that life is a major struggle out of your comfort zone?

Leaving the fragrance company IS THE BEST DECISION that I have made in my life. My only regret was not leaving earlier.

Extremely low pay. No prospects. No advancement. And lastly the most important thing... I was not learning anything new or growing as a person. No whatever kind of experience at all. It was as good as giving up on my life and myself. This is not what I have signed up for in life. What a complete waste of time there!!! Waste of my precious youth!!! Utter waste of my life!!!

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